Born in 1952, a priest since 1978, Ann-Christine Ruuth is known to the public from the book My father Ann-Christine by daughter Ester Roxberg, following the box office movie based on the same book, My father Marianne. Since 2014, Ann-Christine has been a professional speaker with the whole country as her field of work and was shortlisted for the Great Speakers´Prize in 2020.
Ann-Christine is one of the most popular speakers in the country, she holds lectures and speeches, her biography was released in 2022 and was shortlisted for the QX gala Book of the same year.
I want to write a cohesive story that is not just about ‘what did your children say?’ or how it was possible to tell the truth at work. It will of course be an autobiography, but I want to highlight other perspectives and broaden the content. How is it possible to, after a life of over 50 years, start living as a woman without being questioned or even what this mean in a priestly, ecclesiastical context where such people were not even present in the imaginary world also has its place in the story.

Speaking assignments
Feb 12 Söraby
Mar 22 Snöstorp