Lena Skogholm is a behavioral scientist and educator, and for the past 25 years has specialized in how we concretely can use brain research as a guide in everyday relationships and also for ourselves. She is named one of the 100 most popular lecturers in Sweden and won the Stora Talarpriset (Great Speaker Award) 2021.
She is the author behind the successful books Bemötandekoden (The Connection Code) and Livskoden (LifeCode) according to the brain, which together have sold over 85,000 copies. In November 2023, her latest book, Koden till tonårshjärnan, The Code to the Teenage Brain was published.
She is published in a wide range of countries.
A book that will change your view of teenagers and give you tools that will make the this time of life less complicated.
In this book, you are offered a fascinating journey of discovery into the teenage brain, which gives you many aha experiences and high recognition. Useful tips and tools are linked to the research so that you can directly benefit from the knowledge.

Have you ever met a negative person who drained your energy? Asked yourself why the negative takes up so much space, or wondered how you can avoid being dragged along and dragged down?
Have you become involved in misunderstandings and been unable to understand quite where it all went wrong? Or heard people say: ‘Come on! Surely we can talk about this like adults!’?
Have you reflected over how best to respond when faced with someone who is deeply upset? Asked yourself what actually makes us humans function as we do? Wondered how we can develop good relationships while avoiding connections and interactions that steal lots of energy?